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  • : CAPMA
  • : COLLECTIF POUR L'AUTONOMIE DU PEUPLE MAPUCHE ( CAPMA ) * Le CAPMA est un collectif autonome qui s'oppose radicalement à l'impérialisme, au colonialisme, au capitalisme et condamne toute forme d'exploitation, de discrimination et de domination.
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18 juin 2015 4 18 /06 /juin /2015 21:18


On 28 May 2015, a round table discussion with former political prisoner
Jaime Huenchullan took place in The Hague, the Netherlands. Mr.
Huenchullan is currently visiting several European countries to promote
the rights of his Mapuche community in Chile. During the event, the
current situation of the Mapuche and issues the community is facing were

On 28 May 2015, UNPO had the honor to welcome Jaime Huenchullan in The
Hague. In the morning, Mr. Huenchullan visited the Peace Palace, which
is a very important place for the Mapuche, partly due to the reviewing
of the maritime claims submitted by the State of Bolivia against the
State of Chile (Bolivia v. Chile) earlier this month. The Mapuche signed
treaties with the Chilean State in the past and ask that these Treaties
should be respected as well.

On the same day, the round table conference took place in the afternoon.
The video ‘’Mapuche Childhood – A Cruel Reality ‘’ opened the event,
followed by an opening speech of UNPO representative Jeroen Zandberg, in
which the history of cooperation between UNPO and the Mapuche were
discussed. Mr. Zandberg talked about the many projects in both Europe
and Chile that UNPO has worked on together with the Mapuche, such as the
UNPO Summer School in Chile.

Afterwards, Jaime Huenchullan gave a speech, in which he shared his
struggles and that of the Mapuche community. The purpose of his European
tour is to promote the cause of the Mapuche struggles and to look for
partners that understand the situation and are able to help in the fight
for the rights of the Mapuche.

The speeches were followed by a round table discussion about the
situation of the Mapuche and the political and cultural activities that
are currently being implemented in Chile as well as in various European
countries. UNPO has several multi-year cultural, as well as political,
projects running in cooperation with the Mapuche communities.

An interview with Mr. Huenchullan was also conducted by UNPO
representative Ms. Sibrijns. During the interview, questions about the
imprisonment of Mr. Huenchullan and other political Mapuche prisoners
were answered, as well as specific questions about the struggles of the
Mapuche. A report with the full interview will be published as soon as

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