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  • : COLLECTIF POUR L'AUTONOMIE DU PEUPLE MAPUCHE ( CAPMA ) * Le CAPMA est un collectif autonome qui s'oppose radicalement à l'impérialisme, au colonialisme, au capitalisme et condamne toute forme d'exploitation, de discrimination et de domination.
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27 septembre 2009 7 27 /09 /septembre /2009 08:34

The Family of Catrileo Quezada Denies Meeting of Viera Gallo with Matias' "Friends"

In regards to what was broadcasted last night on TVN regional news, with the visit of Chilean Minister Vera Gallo, Coordinator of Indigenous Affairs, "where it was leaked that there was a meeting friends and acquaintances of the Mapuche youth who dies in January 2008: Matias Catrileo."
The Catrileo Quezada family, states the following clarification to all the community, especially towards the true lamgen and wenuy [friends] of Matias:
1. If the government wishes to obtain information or knowledge with respect to Matias Catrileo, we are the true spokespeople for that matter, and so far the Chilean State has not approached us in any way.
2. We know very well that the true and closest friends and brothers of Matias would not meet Viera Gallo; they would not associate with those who killed our Weichafe [Warrior], whom said in a message to his people in June 2007, "we Mapuche do not have to negotiate with the state."
3. Personally, I consider it is rather low of the press to inform on a "leak."
As a mother it offends and infuriates me that all those who attribute themselves a so-called closeness with my son, use his memory for their own convenience.

Temuco, Warria, September 25th, 2009


The Catrileo Quezada Family

Distributed By:

 The Women's Coordinating Committee Chile-Canada

Email: wccc_98@hotmail.com

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